I'm Ydaiber (e-dye-ber) Orozco. I'm a certified Dharma/Soul Purpose Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, and Human Design Reader.

Welcome to your transformation journey. If you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or as if you've lost your way, you're in the right place. Having navigated my own dark times, I'm here to guide you in reigniting your purpose, confidence, and authenticity, helping you create the fulfilling life you deserve. Let's start this journey together!

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About Me

When we reach toward the light, we realize that it’s light that’s reaching out to us.

Born and raised in Venezuela, I have always been passionate about helping others. Since 2010, I've pursued this passion through my work as an actor and voice-over artist, while also drawing on over 20 years of experience in the corporate world to enrich my approach.

During the early days of the pandemic, I faced personal struggles with anxiety and depression, despite the support of my family and friends. This challenging period led me to work with an Emotion Code practitioner, marking the beginning of a significant transformation in my life. The loss of my father during this time further deepened my journey, guiding me towards messages of becoming a "lightworker" and "energy healer."

These experiences paved the way for my training at the Dharma Coaching Institute, where I became a Dharma/Soul Purpose Coach. I discovered that my true purpose is to uplift and inspire others to find joy and purpose in their lives.

In 2023, I launched the "Rekindle Your Light" podcast to share this mission more broadly. Each episode is a step towards helping you reconnect with your inner light and embrace your true purpose. Join me on this transformative journey.


Woman Sitting on the Beach


We work together one-on-one to Harness Your Purpose, Conquer Self-Doubt, Reclaim Your Authenticity, and Ignite Your Creativity. LEARN MORE.

High Angle View of Creative Marketing Team in Strategy Meeting


Through this welcoming and collaborative journey, you will Conquer Self-Doubt, Reclaim Your Authenticity, and Ignite Your Creativity in Just 8 Weeks! LEARN MORE

Human Design


Understand your Energy Type, Profile, Strategy, and Authority in order to live BY YOUR UNIQUE design. LEARN MORE.


Release negative emotions that are causing issues in your life. Sessions may focus on relationships, emotional health, finances or anything in between. LEARN MORE.


I will help you conquer self-doubt, align with your purpose, and embrace your authentic self, free from comparison and hesitation.

You will:

  • Release your Trapped Emotions.
  • Reprogram your Limiting Beliefs.
  • Understand your Dharma Archetypes.
  • Have a comprehensive understanding of your Human Design.
  • Discover your Super Powers.
  • Utilize the Dharma Blueprint to align with your Purpose.
  • Reignite your inner light and realign with your full authentic self.

Biweekly sessions are via Zoom. You will also have access to me through Telegram in between sessions.

Self defense, inner strength and motivation concept


Conquer Self-Doubt, Reclaim Your Authenticity, and Ignite Your Creativity in Just 8 Weeks!

What is it? The Fearless Creator Mentoring Group is an 8-week online group coaching program tailored for those ready to break free from the grip of imposter syndrome, the chaos of overthinking, and the frustration of unfinished projects. Dive deep into the secret language of your authenticity and unlock your unique superpowers. This transformative journey shifts you from self-doubt to purposeful creative empowerment, where you emerge as a fearless creator ready to embrace your unique path.

Who is it for? This program is perfect for anyone battling imposter syndrome, including creatives and soul searchers seeking clarity and confidence in their unique abilities.

When is it? The group coaching is offered several times a year. Visit here to find out when the next session begins.

How much is it? Invest in your transformation at $555 for the full 8-week program. This includes weekly group sessions via Zoom and personalized individual coaching to deepen your journey.

How it works? Each week, we begin with a themed meditation or visualization to set the tone, followed by a facilitated lesson that explores the week's focus. We conclude with tailored individual coaching to ensure personal growth and breakthroughs. The sessions are recorded so even if you can’t make it live, you will have access to the recordings.

How many people are in the group? To ensure personalized attention and foster a tight-knit community, I limit the number of participants in each session.


Human Design

What is Human Design?

Human Design combines ancient wisdom with modern science to offer a unique approach to understanding the human experience. Often referred to as the Science of Differentiation, this system uses insights from the Chinese I'Ching, Kabbalist Tree of Life, Astrology, Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, and Biochemistry to illustrate our individual uniqueness.

No two people are exactly alike, not even those born at the same moment. Differences in their charts and environmental conditioning underscore our distinctiveness. By understanding your unique Human Design, you can align more closely with your soul's purpose, living a life that truly reflects who you are.

What 's included in a reading?

  • Energy Type: Guides you on how to best navigate life, emphasizing your unique strengths.
  • Strategy: Describes your optimal approach to moving through the world and utilizing your energy.
  • Authority: Indicates how to make decisions using your innate bodily wisdom.
  • Not-Self Theme: Signals when something is misaligned and needs attention.
  • Signature: Confirms that you are living in alignment with your design.
  • Profile: Represents how you present and interact with the world.
  • Defined Center: Identifies your consistent and reliable strengths.
  • Undefined Center: Highlights areas that offer significant learning and wisdom.

The concept of the human brain.
Human head and compass.

Emotion Code and Heart Wall Sessions

Inner Light

What is The Emotion Code?

Developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code is an energy-releasing technique designed to identify and release trapped emotions. These emotions are residual energies from negative past events that can cause depression, anxiety, and physical ailments like acute pain and even cancer. By releasing these trapped emotions, we enable the body to heal, potentially alleviating both physical and emotional distress.

What is The Heart Wall?

The Heart Wall is a protective barrier created by the subconscious to shield the heart from emotional harm. It is composed of accumulated trapped emotions. The Emotion Code technique can dismantle this wall layer by layer, enhancing one's capacity to love and receive love, boost creativity, attract abundance, and achieve success. Dr. Bradley Nelson notes that 93% of people have a Heart Wall, and typically, it takes 3 to 4 sessions to clear it.

Amazing gymnastic movements.


Los Angeles


"...Your warmth and spirit came through during the whole session. You are such a nurturing guide..."

Client Love

Feeling good



"Una grata experiencia."

"...Me hizo reflexionar y entender segun los sentimientos que se vieron reflejados en mi sesión. Me ayudo a estar mas consciente de mis emociones y soltar las que me afectan negativamente..."

Woman Holding Powered-on Ball



So powerful!

"...Perhaps I can’t be as eloquent or profound as I’d like to be to express the immense gratitude & appreciation for the work that I’ve done with Ydaiber & that I’m excited to continue doing. That said, Ydaiber is like a celestial being that irradiates Love & Light to everything & everyone in her path. Her authentic desire for helping others comes through with compassion, care, kindness, intent listening, devotion and a true passion to heal. I’ve had beautiful breakthroughs with the emotion code work I’ve had the blessed pleasure of doing with Ydaiber..."

Creating Magic


Los Angeles

"Healing Magic."

Ydaiber is such a natural fit to be doing this type of healing work given her immense empathy and sharp intuition. You can tell how present and dedicated she is throughout the full session (and even in between sessions!). As far as the work itself goes, I was surprised that Ydaiber tapped into certain periods of my life—and the trapped emotions that accompanied them—that I hadn't even fully recognized and released until she worked her healing magic.

Cropped Shallow Focus Image of Happy Smiling Lady Showing Heart Symbol with Her Hands



"Truly Grateful."

Ydaiber was a light on my way to heal my soul. Her guidance and advice lit my way to meet my true self again. She helped me identify my fears, reinforce my strengths, my value, and my self-confidence.

A new day, new beginning


Los Angeles

Una Nueva Oportunidad!

Me siento con gratitud hacia Ydaiber. Al comenzar a trabajar con ella y las sesiones he mejorado mucho mi condición mental , física y emocional !! No podía dormir bien !! Amanecía con mucha ansiedad en las madrugadas y así me mantenía durante el dia, mi diálogo interno era siempre negativo llegue a sentir que ya no había nada más que hacer ! En lo físico mucho malestar por mis estados emocionales !!Bien!! Comencé a trabajar con Ydaiber y el sentir su profesionalismo me dio la confianza para comenzar a abrir en mi interior una posibilidad que yo ya no tenía !!

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(321) 402-1292